Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Smell Test

You know the smell test. Only guys do it, right? You pick up an item of clothing, usually off the floor, and give it the ole' smell-a-roo to see if it is suitable to wear again. If it passes the test, you don said item.

Well, the Reeves family would for sure pass the smell test this past week. And by week I mean two weeks. Maybe three.

This summer I ran into a blog and the lady talked about the best laundry soap.

Downy Simple Pleasures in Water Lilly and Jasmine

She mentioned that it was hard to find and that it was amazing. Over Christmas break I saw it at Target. I was in need of laundry detergent so I picked some up. Now, let me say, the Reeves house does not use liquid fabric softener. So I just thought, this lady called it detergent, it must be detergent. Ok, I know what your saying, "Does she not watch TV and see Downy fabric softener commercials?" Yes, I do. I don't know what I thought. Maybe that they'd made a detergent to match their wonderful scent? I don't know!

We figured out last night that we in fact had been washing our clothes with fabric softener! I know...we are idiots! At least we smell good!

I thought this would make for a great laugh for you all at our expense!

And by the way, I looked it up and Tide makes a companion DETERGENT to Downy's Simple Pleasure! Maybe I'll spring for that next time!


  1. That is funny!, but I would have done the same thing. All these "Major" name brands are always making so many product lines. I would have thought it was detergent. You are right least you smelled good! haha

  2. That is tooo funny! I totally would have done the same thing!!

  3. Wow, how funny! At least you guys smelled clean and fresh!!

  4. I was wondering why you smelled so good!
