Saturday, April 25, 2009

Design on a Dime

This picture's purpose is only to show you the laundry room in the background. Notice the rather long shelf/cart the microwave is placed on. And the pile of junk that has accumulated itself around and one the cart. This was not a very happy place to do laundry.

This is a happy place to do laundry.

I traded the "too long" shelf/cart for a shorter one and turned the cart sideways, which will actually allow oneself to stand in front of the washing machine while loading it! Wow!

Here's a closer view. The laundry sign on the wall is a bulletin board covered with fabric that was once used as a table cloth in our master bedroom. I hot glued everything together and pray that is lasts!

I moved a small lamp from another room to make this room more "homey." And yes I know how tacky it is that our appliances don't match, but if it really bothers you, feel free to make a donation.

This utility caddy was a cheapo $1 gift from our "wedding pounding" from our church choir. It was filled with wonderful cleaning supplies, etc. about 5 years ago, but today it got re-purposed. I happened to have a can of red spray paint and that cute red gingham ribbon. No, the ribbon does not wrap around the caddy, just the front. The best part...wait for it...I thought I'd have to hot glue it, but because the paint was still a little tacky feeling the ribbon held. For now at least!

The basket's contents are as follows: laundry detergent, fabric softener sheets, Shout, bleach, a red and white mug for change, and air freshener beads. The only thing I actually purchased for the redo: The red bordered runner on the floor. Red quickly became the accent color for the room, when I found the table cloth and red spray paint. Total cost: $19.89!!!!
This might even make me want to start doing the majority of laundry. This is a task Seth took on when we got married, but I just might give him a break. I think I'll enjoy this room now! I'll keep you posted!


  1. Awesome job - I LOVE the red accents!!

  2. looks so cute! Good work.

  3. I love it! Isn't funny how little things (or rooms) can make you happy!

  4. Great job!! Too cute! I love it!

  5. I'm so impressed! It's the new house, the one thing I'm most excited about decorating is the laundry room. I guess that's because I've never had one before!!!

    ps. You should add a button for "followers" on your blog!
