Monday, March 9, 2009

I wanna Talk!

On the way home from school today I was talking on the phone to my sister. I asked Drew if he wanted to talk to her and he said no. Of course when I hung up he said, "wanna talk". I asked him who he wanted to talk to and he said, "Dora". He then laughed. I preceded to go through all of the cartoon characters and family members we know, to see if he wanted to talk to any of them. He said no to them all. I then asked if he wanted to talk to Jesus and he said yes. (This is when you go, "Ahhhh".) So we prayed in the car and thanked Jesus for our good day. Drew clapped when I said Amen. So cute!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A little alone time!

On Friday my boys took off to Mountain View to stay with Seth's parents for the weekend. I am working on getting my National Board Teaching Certificate and the whole thing is due the end of this month. This was so nice to be able to just sit and write. I got a lot of work done, but I really missed both of my boys. I asked Seth to send my a picture of Drew Saturday evening. This is what I got...Enjoy!