Thursday, January 21, 2010

So proud!

I'm so proud of my little man! He has made it to school and around the house in these:

What a big boy! He has only had about 3 accidents! It helps that he is now in "the big kid class" at school and those kids potty regularly. When he's in the two year old room he's one of the oldest kids. And most of those kids are still in diapers. Warning: I'm going to get "graphic" here. We haven't mastered going number 2 on the potty yet and I'm not sure how to encourage that. Do I do it just like going number 1? Help me out, moms! All of this means that my little Drew-man is growing up. Seth did say we could have another baby when Drew was out of diapers. Maybe soon? Who knows. (I'm kinda ready though. Seth, not so much!) Seth's excuse the other day when discussing why I was ready for another baby was: "We're just starting to get some sleep." I wanted to say, "Speak for yourself." Oh well.

On another, totally unrelated note, here's a funny school story. In class we are studying the Midwest Region of the US. We were discussing types of houses people built in the 1800's and that some people had houses made of sod. And how "creepy crawlies" could come crawling out of your walls or ceilings, etc. A kid raises their hand and asks, "Is your necklace made of real gold?" My comment was, "I'm teaching Social Studies and you are worried about my necklace? That won't be on the test Tuesday." I'll be anxious to see that grade!

Another story! In math today (which I don't teach), the kids were learning about grid coordinates. The math teacher comes walking down the hall toward me and says (with a giggle), "I feel sorry for you." "Why?" "We were trying to locate places on a map using grid coordinates. We were looking up Washington, D.C. and __________ was looking in Asia."
I keep reminding myself that they are only 10 yrs. old and I kinda like my job, so some days, I really have to bite my tongue.

Just a day in the life of a fourth grade teacher!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl! Number 2 took Bry a while. I went to A to Z and found a ton of Hot Wheels on sale and bought all of them. I hung one above the toilet at a time (he only does number 2 once a day) and when he went number 2 in the potty he would get the car. After a while it was habit and didn 't need the car. Bry would never do number one sitting though, so, I had to resort to bribing to get him to sit. Ha ha.
