Happy Easter! Don't you just love this day! Not only is this a day for ridiculous amounts of candy, food, and egg hunting, but it also is the day we celebrate the Risen Savior! While making egg and bunny shaped sugar cookies with Drew over Spring Break, I was trying to explain to him that Easter is not just about the Easter Bunny. I told him that Jesus had died on a cross so that we could go to Heaven. Then Jesus came back alive (I realize that isn't perfect grammar, but I'm also have a convo with a 3 yr. old) and that is why we celebrate Easter. To "test him", I mean see if he understood anything, I asked why Jesus died. His response was, "So we can go to Heaven and see the Easter Bunny." To which I replied, "maybe."
On a different, but somewhat related note, (the brilliance of my child!) children's vocabulary shocks me! On the way home from school on Thursday, I asked Drew how Play-by-play was. This is a gymnastics place that has a huge indoor play area and short gymnastics class that his daycare goes to. He told me that he went down one slide, not two because the black slide is scary! I thought he said he went down both of them (driving, texting, carrying on a conversation with a three year old {I realize the combination of two of those is illegal, don't turn me in. You all do it too!}) and asked, "You went down two slides." To which me genius child said, "Actually, just one, Mommy!" Did my child just say 'actually' and use it correctly in a sentence?!? On a slightly not as proud vocabulary moment: There is a preview on tv for a movie called Kick-!@*. My son saw the commercial and of ALL the words on the preview, guess what he decided to say? That's right! I quickly told him that we don't say that word and that we would be in serious trouble if we did! Yikes, I don't want a phone call from his school telling me that the teacher's kid cussed everyone out!
Hope you all enjoyed your Easter Sunday!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
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