Thursday, January 8, 2009

I know I'm late but...

here are pictures of Drew's Christmas presents. There is a theme...can you guess what it is?
One of many trains we have at our house. Drew already had Thomas, but Annie and Clarabel are new. For those unfamiliar with the Thomas World: Annie and Clarabel are Thomas's coaches.
This is James and his tender. Drew likes this one and calls him "Jame". In the background you can see a blue car. This belongs to Sir Topham Hatt. He's new! And behind James in the background is Bertie Bus. "Arah" and Josh got Bertie for Drew-be.
And what better to put all of this Thomas stuff on...
That's right! Drew got his very own train table for Christmas from Nana and Poppy! Most of the items on the table were Christmas presents including the bridge and station and lots of track.
Drew also got this cool remote control Thomas from Josh and Sarah. Anyone pick up on the theme?
That's right, Thomas!!! or more commonly called Mah-tah. I have diagnosed Drew with Verbal Dyslexia. Instead of Tah-mas, its Mah-tah. Who knows??!!!
One of my favorite things Drew received, was this cookie plate and milk cup for Santa. I saw these in a shop in Dardanelle (I know only like two of you know where that is) and told my grandma that if she saw them on sale to get them for me and I'd pay her back. Well, Drew unwrapped these on Christmas day and loved them. "Choo-chees" and "Machk" were his responses. I didn't even tell him what they were for. Genius! He's a genius!


  1. What a blessed little boy! And he is a genius...that's what the screening report showed, anyway.

  2. Be thankful Drew was saying something that even sounds similar to Thomas with "mah-tah"... David LOVES Thomas, too, but calls him "pongee". We have no idea where that comes from!
