Saturday, January 31, 2009

Calling all Snotty Noses

Over the Christmas Holidays I found these wipes at Wal-mart. I only saw one package and they appeared to be opened. I perused the baby and health care sections of the store looking for these wipes, but to no avail. What are they, you ask...

Boogie Wipes. So our local Wal-mart does NOT carry them. I guess someone left their package by mistake. I thought they had every useless item known to man. I guess this proves that Boogie Wipes are going to be WONDERFUL! I found them at our "oh so unorganized" Toys R Us. I am so excited to use them because Drew is one snot-producing kid! These wipes have saline in them that is supposed to help! We'll see. I'll keep you posted!


  1. Cool! The coolest part is that they have saline in them. I am forever giving Jedidiah Saline solution drops.

  2. That is hilarious! That's a first of "Boogie Wipes" for me.
